Paris Hilton mobbades som barn!
Paris Hiltons moster, Kyle Richards, har nu avslöjat att Paris Hilton blev mobbad som barn.
"There was jealousy and being picked on and I had to go down there a few times and straighten some people out because she was definitely picked on," ska hon ha sagt.
"People would hear the last name and she was always a beautiful girl and that doesn't make for making a lot of friends with girls. She always had this attitude that she didn't care what people thought but she definitely did."
"There was jealousy and being picked on and I had to go down there a few times and straighten some people out because she was definitely picked on," ska hon ha sagt.
"People would hear the last name and she was always a beautiful girl and that doesn't make for making a lot of friends with girls. She always had this attitude that she didn't care what people thought but she definitely did."
Sexig bild på henne här asså..
Postat av: Martina
Vill du kanske vinna en gratis header? ;)
Puss // Martina
Postat av: Gina :*)
stackars!!! men alla kändisar blir tydligen mobbade...
Postat av: lingon
hej ditt fula lingon!
Postat av: Gabrielle
Jag känner många som som är mobbade, hon är inget undantag. Men alla som mobbar kan ta och dra åt skogen! Dom har ingen rätt att vara idiotiska.